Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Book reviews of POLAR CTIY RED by Jim Laughter

Hello Book Reviewer,

My name is Jim Laughter. I'm a writer near Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I'm told that you are a reporter whois interested in the environment, especially in the Alaskan ecosystem. I recently had a new novel released that you might find interesting. ''Polar City Red'' is a fiction based in Alaska after the effects of global warming destroys much of the Earth's atmosphere and forces millions of people to migrate north to escape the heat on the lower continents. I base the book 300 miles north of Fairbanks at the base of the Yukon Mountains.

I am not a scientist. I'm not an environmental activist, or clean-air advocate, or any other kind of crusader. I am a writer. This book, my eighth, is intended for entertainment. But it also holds a very viable message about the dangers of global warming, and a possible scenerio that future generations of humanity might find themselves facing if we don't learn to curb our dependence of fossil fuels. My cast of characters include a Russian scientist, a college professor, a medical doctor, an Inuit nurse, a military helicopter commander, and a wilderness hunter. They face life and death in a polar city of geodesic domes.

I wonder if you might be willing to take a look at the book and write a review of  it. I have several review copies on hand, and I'd love to send you a copy. Of course, it is also available as Kindle and Nook downloads but I assume you prefer holding a real book in your hands. I know I do.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.

Jim Laughter

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