Friday, February 3, 2012

'Cli-fi' novel 'Polar City Red' points to 'polar cities' for survival in distant future

interchangable 'POLAR CITY RED' and "Cli-fi' novel in headlines:

'Cli-fi' novel reads like today's headlines

'Cli-fi' novel points to polar cities for survival

'Cli-fi' novel points to future with hope, despair

'Cli-fi' novel marries religion, science in climate thriller

'Cli-fi' novel marries today's headlines to future of Earth

'Cli-fi' novel mixes methane, Co2 in lethal combo

'Cli-fi' novel tries to balance Earth out of balance

'Cli-fi' novel sees Earth out of balance

'Cli-fi' novel is chilling take on global warming

'Cli-fi' novel puts Alaska in focus

'Cli-fi' novel puts climate chaos in focus

'Cli-fi' novel sees Alaska as lifeboat, ark

'Cli-fi' novel puts climate denialists on trial

'Cli-fi' novel puts global warming on trial

'Cli-fi' novel puts world leaders on trial

'Cli-fi' novel puts humanity on trial

'Cli-fi' novel poses climactic questions

'Cli-fi' novel 'Polar City Red' points to
'polar cities' for survival in distant future

'Cli-fi' novel is bleak take on tundra

'Cli-fi' novel imagines havens in warmed world

'Cli-fi' novel speculates on our species' future

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